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參考價 10
訂貨量 ≥1
  • 公司名稱江蘇春晨電纜有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地淮安市
  • 廠商性質生產廠家
  • 更新時間2017/7/7 6:33:47
  • 訪問次數443
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江蘇春晨電纜有限公司,是一家專注于計算機電纜,電機引接線,高壓電機引接線,JFEM電機引接線,JG電機引接線,扁電纜,硅橡膠電纜,高溫電纜產品和特種電纜產品研究、開發(fā)、生產及銷售的高科技企業(yè),并在全國各地設有分支機構。公司技術和研發(fā)實力雄厚,公司自成立以來,始終堅持以人才為本、誠信立業(yè)的經營原則,薈萃*,將*進的信息技術、管理方法及企業(yè)經驗與國內企業(yè)的具體實際相結合,為企業(yè)提供*的解決方案,幫助企業(yè)提高管理水平和生產能力,使企業(yè)在激烈的市場競爭中始終保持競爭力,實現企業(yè)快速、穩(wěn)定地發(fā)展。較好的產品、較好的服務、較好的信譽,也愿意成為您Z可信賴的*合作伙伴。公司主要產品,DJYVP計算機電纜,DJFPV計算機電纜,DJFFP計算機電纜,電機引接線,高壓電機引接線,JFEYH高壓電機引接線,JG電機引接線,JEM JFEM電機引接線,JXN電機引接線,JBQ電機引接線,扁電纜,YFFB扁電纜,YCB扁電纜,TVVB扁電纜,FDZ-YEYH風能電纜,太陽能電纜,起重機電纜,高溫電纜,控制電纜,電力電纜,DJFPV計算機電纜,DJFFP計算機電纜,DJYVP2,DJYVP3,DJYPV,DJYP2V,DJYP3V,DJYPVP,DJYP2VP2,聚乙烯絕緣對絞組銅帶分屏蔽及總屏蔽,公司以創(chuàng)新為先導、現代化企業(yè)為基礎、滿足用戶要求為根本宗旨,為客戶提供優(yōu)質的產品。公司熱忱歡迎海內外朋友前來指導洽談。




電壓等級為450/750V的電纜;cable: 70 ℃;

電壓等級為0.6/1kV的電纜;cable: 90℃;

電壓等級為1.8/3kV的電纜;cable: 90℃。


FDGF風能電纜 產品信息




電壓等級為450/750V的電纜;cable: 70 ℃;

電壓等級為0.6/1kV的電纜;cable: 90℃;

電壓等級為1.8/3kV的電纜;cable: 90℃。



We believe that heating cable is not too familiar, but warm everybody should know, now every family cannot do without the winter is warm, the following Xiaobian take you to understand what is the heating cable.

Heating cable, is made of cable structure, with electric power as the energy, the use of alloy resistance wire heating, to achieve the effect of heating or thermal insulation. Usually has a single guide and double guide, known as the heating cable.


Heating is called the most ideal winter heating mode, not only lies in its economic, safe, convenient, high quality, and that it will be as the subject of life, comfort, health, environmental protection has highlighted the three modern life theme; humanized design height, the control mode is simple and flexible. Bring great convenience to the users; system structure hidden in the ground, to maximize indoor space saving.

。Heating cable heating system mainly by far infrared radiation heat transfer (accounting for more than 60% of total heat transfer), the principle of radiation and the same principle of solar radiation. The heat transfer mode is divided into three forms: conduction, convection, radiation, radiation heat transfer is the human body most comfortable, give a person with warm sunshine feeling, no air, no feeling hot, people according to their own needs, set the most suitable indoor temperature and outdoor temperature is not affected that is not restricted by seasons, indoor always keep warm as spring feeling.

Did you notice the 10 points when installing the heating cable?

1, a variety of materials, material specifications, varieties must meet the requirements of the design and the corresponding norms, must be the appropriate documents;

2, to prevent the heating cable is pressed into the thermal insulation material, the influence of heating cable life, the use of steel wire mesh or metal fixed with both to prevent the heating cable into the insulation material.

3, the tube wear limit in confirmation of heating cable or electric heating film laying correct, before threading in a cassette must be clean, do the right amount of wire separation, margin;

4, temperature control device installation should be horizontal and vertical, standard accurate, close to the wall, solid, consistent with the electrical breakdown of the project acceptance specifications;

5, all construction personnel must wear soft bottom shoes, after sealing the pipe to clean up the entire operating surface;

6, floor radiant heating system installation works, and other construction work should not be carried out at the same time cross;

7, concrete pouring and curing process of filling layer, are not allowed to enter the trampling, pouring concrete, should take protective measures, can not be directly pedal, car heating cable or electric heating area; the filling layer maintenance period, not on the ground running overload or placed high Electric heating is prohibited, to complete the construction of the 8 floor banging on the impact. No holes in the ground, chisel or deed into Rehe objects;

9, the whole room and other electric potential connection, to ensure personal safety.

10, temperature controller probe and pavement and connect the heating cable protection.






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