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當前位置:深圳市云峰技術有限公司>>手機綜合測試儀>>安捷倫Agilent 8960(E5515C)

安捷倫Agilent 8960(E5515C)

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更新時間:2022-08-02 15:36:20瀏覽次數(shù):470次

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        安捷倫Agilent 8960(E5515C) 的詳細介紹


  • 頻率范圍:292至2700 MHz
  • -127至-10 dBm輸出
  • VSWR:400至1000 MHz時<1.14:1
  • < +/-1.1dB電平精度
E5515C|E5515C無線綜合測試儀|E5515C綜合測試儀|E5515C綜測選件 002:GSM/GPRS/EGPRS 測試功能 003:WCDMA、CDMA2000 測試功能 V 50: E5515X的硬件版本,對于新機來說,相當于GB46040101 及以后生產(chǎn)的主機。 V50 的作用是一方面提升了E5515X 主機的速度,另一方面使E5515X主機能夠支持3G新的一些標準的測試功能如HSDPA功能和E1987A快速切換軟件。需要注意的是,V50 版本的E5515X 主機將不能再安裝E1960A,E1964A等已經(jīng)被淘汰的軟件。V50針對如下4 個模塊的版本: a) MAIN ADC BOARD E5515-60813 以及上 b) DSP PROCESSOR BOARD E5515-60267 以及上 c) DSP INTERFACE BOARD E5515-60376 以及上 d) PROTOCOL PROCESSOR BOARD E5515-60659以及上 V48 :指GB45070001 及以后生產(chǎn)的E5515X 主機硬件版本 H03 :EDGE測試功能 硬件選件 E1961A AMPS/136 test application E1962B cdma2000 test application E1962B-401 cdma2000 Rel A new control channels E1962B-402 cdma2000 Advanced AMPS E1962B-403 cdma2000 Authentication E1963A W-CDMA test application E1963A-401 W-CDMA video phone test E1963A-403 HSDPA test mode E1966A 1xEV-DO test application E1968A GSM/GPRS test application E1968A-101 GSM test application E1968A-102 GPRS test application E1968A-201 GSM/GPRS test application E1968A-103 EGPRS test application E1968A-202 GSM/GPRS/EGPRS test application E1968A-410 EGPRS phase and amplitude vs time E1991B Test application suite E1993A UMTS test application suite E1996A CDMA/1xEV-DO test application suite   E1987A fast switch: E1961A AMPS/136, E1962B cdma2000/IS-95/AMPS, E1963A W-CDMA, E1968A GSM/GPRS/EGPRS, E1966A-1xEV-DO E6785C GSM/GPRS/W-CDMA   Lab Applications are described as: (option 4 required to do fading) E6701D GSM/GPRS Lab application E6702B cdma2000 Lab application E6703C WCDMA Lab application E6704A EGPRS Lab application requires E6701C or E6701D E6706A 1xEV-DO requires E1966A test application E6716A cdma2000/1xEV-DO Lab application suite E6717A UMTS Lab application suite E6719C Lab application suite E6785C Lab application fast switching Agilent defined bundle suites: E1991A test application suite includes: E1960A GSM test application E1961A AMPS/136 test application E1962B cdma2000 test application E1963A W-CDMA test application E1964A GPRS test application E1966A 1xEV-DO test application E1985A Add new fast switching Tas   E1991B test application suite includes: E1961A AMPS/136 test application E1962B cdma2000 test application E1963A W-CDMA test application E1966A 1xEV-DO test application E1968A5 GSM/GPRS/EGPRS test application E1987A Fast switching test application   E1993A UMTS test application suite includes (requires revision 4.8HW): E1963A W-CDMA test application E1968A5 GSM, GPRS, EGPRS test applications E1987A Fast switching test application E1996A CDMA/1xEV-DO test application suite E1962B cdma2000 test application E1966A 1xEV-DO test application E1987A Fast switching test application   E6716A cdma2000/1xEV-DO Lab application suite includes: E6702B cdma2000 lab application E6706A 1xEV-DO lab application   E6717A UMTS Lab application suite includes: E6701D GSM/GPRS lab application E6703C W-CDMA lab application E6704A EGPRS lab application E6785C GSM/GPRS, W-CDMA lab application fast switching   E6719C Lab application suite includes: E6701D GSM/GPRS lab application E6702B cdma2000 lab application E6703C W-CDMA lab application E6704A EGPRS lab application E6706A 1xEV-DO lab application E6785C GSM/GPRS, W-CDMA lab application fast switching   Discontinued Test/Lab applications E1960A has been replaced by E1968A1 E1964A has been replaced by E1968A2 E1985A has been replaced by E1985D E1985A-E has been replaced by E1987A E1991A has been replaced by E1991B E6701B has been replaced by E6701D E6701C has been replaced by E6701D E6702A has been replaced by E6702B E6703B has been replaced by E6703C E6703B has been replaced by E6703C E6719A has been replaced by E6719B E6719B has been replaced by E6719


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