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名稱: 德國HYDRO-BIOS公司生物網(wǎng)口流量計
類別: 網(wǎng)口流量計
型號: D-Flow
關(guān)鍵字: 生物網(wǎng)口流量計,數(shù)字流量計,網(wǎng)口流量計
產(chǎn)品簡介: 生物網(wǎng)口流量計用來測量通過浮游生物網(wǎng)的水的體積
供應(yīng)商: 青島水德儀器有限公司


Click for details... 名稱: 德國HYDRO-BIOS公司生物網(wǎng)口流量計
類別: 網(wǎng)口流量計
型號: D-Flow
關(guān)鍵字: 生物網(wǎng)口流量計,數(shù)字流量計,網(wǎng)口流量計
產(chǎn)品簡介: 生物網(wǎng)口流量計用來測量通過浮游生物網(wǎng)的水的體積
供應(yīng)商: 青島水德儀器有限公司

生物網(wǎng)口流量計(Flow Meter)

438 110    數(shù)字流量計(Digital Flow Meter)

438 115    數(shù)字流量計(Digital Flow Meter)

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20.Enrique González-Ortegón, José A. Cuesta, Emilio Pascual, Pilar Drake,2010.Assessment of the interaction between the white shrimp, Palaemon longirostris, and the exotic oriental shrimp, Palaemon macrodactylus, in a European estuary (SW Spain).Biological Invasions.12(6):1731-1745.
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23.Mianrun Chen, Bingzhang Chen, Paul Harrison, Hongbin Liu,2011.Dynamics of mesozooplankton assemblages in subtropical coastal waters of Hong Kong: A comparative study between a eutrophic estuarine and a mesotrophic coastal site.Continental Shelf Research.31(10):1075–1086.
24.Min-Chul Jang, Kyoungsoon Shin, Bonggil Hyun, Tongsup Lee and Keun-Hyung Choi,2013.Temperature-regulated egg production rate, and seasonal and interannual variations in Paracalanus parvus.Journal of Plankton Research.doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbt050.

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